
Het Corpus Gesproken Nederlands - The Spoken Dutch Corpus

The DVDs that are available here originate from the Spoken Dutch Corpus project, a joint Flemish-Dutch project that was carried out between 1998 and 2003. These DVDs contain the results of the project as they were available in Version 2.0 of the CGN which was released in January 2006..

Apart from this DVD, this release comprises a series of DVDs containing the sound files that are part of the corpus. On this DVD all available transcriptions and annotations can be found, as well as some documentation and the corpus exploitation programme COREX.

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© Copyright March 2004 Dutch Language Union.
This DVD (or part(s) thereof) may not be reproduced and/or made public by any means, electronic or mechanical, without written permission of the Dutch Language Union. These pages were edited by N. Oostdijk.