General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in English. This dictionary was developed to be practically usable for speech technology systems, rather than phonetically accurate. A letter-to-sound rule set for predicting the pronunciations of generic words is also included. Productdetails Aantal uren spraak Approx. 65,000 … [Lees meer...] overLwazi English Pronunciation Dictionary
Lwazi Afrikaans Pronunciation Dictionary
General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in Afrikaans. Dictionaries were developed to be practically usable for speech technology systems, rather than phonetically accurate. Audio samples of all phonemes included. A letter-to-sound rule set for predicting the pronunciations of generic words included. Productdetails Aantal uren spraak Approx. … [Lees meer...] overLwazi Afrikaans Pronunciation Dictionary
isiZulu Custom Dictionary for Government Domain
This custom dictionary was developed in a spelling checker project for the Department of Arts and Culture and it contains an alphabetic list of words which are exclusive to the government domain or which are not part of the official orthography of isiZulu. Productdetails Annotaties Alphabetic list, one word(token) per line, Text, ANSI … [Lees meer...] overisiZulu Custom Dictionary for Government Domain
isiXhosa Custom Dictionary for Government Domain
This custom dictionary was developed in a spelling checker project for the Department of Arts and Culture and it contains an alphabetic list of words which are exclusive to the government domain or which are not part of the official orthography of isiXhosa. Productdetails Annotaties Alphabetic list, one word(token) per line, Text, ANSI … [Lees meer...] overisiXhosa Custom Dictionary for Government Domain
Frequentielijsten corpora
De 5000 meest voorkomende woorden uit de Miljoenencorpora, het PAROLE-corpus 2004, het Corpus Gesproken Nederlands, het Algemeen Nederlands Woordenboekcorpus, het Eindhoven-corpus, het D-Coi-corpus en het SoNaR-corpus. Voor vrijwel elk van deze producten is er zowel een lemmafrequentielijst als een typefrequentielijst … [Lees meer...] overFrequentielijsten corpora