Dit corpus is tijdelijk niet beschikbaar omdat er aanpassingen noodzakelijk zijn. Een nieuwe versie wordt verwacht in de zomer van 2024. Voor meer informatie hierover kunt u contact opnemen met Hans van de Velde (HvandeVelde@fryske-akademy.nl) of met Wilbert Heeringa, de datamanager van de FA (wheeringa@fryske-akademy.nl). Het Boarnsterhim Corpus bestaat uit 250 uur spraak in … [Lees meer...] overBoarnsterhim Corpus (BHC)
Lwazi Xitsonga Pronunciation Dictionary
General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in Xitsonga. Dictionaries were developed to be practically usable for speech technology systems, rather than phonetically accurate. Audio samples of all phonemes included. A letter-to-sound rule set for predicting the pronunciations of generic words included. Productdetails Aantal uren spraak Approx. 65,000 … [Lees meer...] overLwazi Xitsonga Pronunciation Dictionary
Lwazi Siswati Pronunciation Dictionary
General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in Siswati. Dictionaries were developed to be practically usable for speech technology systems, rather than phonetically accurate. Audio samples of all phonemes included. A letter-to-sound rule set for predicting the pronunciations of generic words included. Productdetails Aantal uren spraak Approx. 65,000 … [Lees meer...] overLwazi Siswati Pronunciation Dictionary
Lwazi Setswana Pronunciation Dictionary
General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in Setswana. Dictionaries were developed to be practically usable for speech technology systems, rather than phonetically accurate. Audio samples of all phonemes included. A letter-to-sound rule set for predicting the pronunciations of generic words included. Productdetails Aantal uren spraak Approx. 65,000 … [Lees meer...] overLwazi Setswana Pronunciation Dictionary
Lwazi Sesotho Pronunciation Dictionary
General phonemic pronunciations for frequently occurring words in Sesotho. Dictionaries were developed to be practically usable for speech technology systems, rather than phonetically accurate. Audio samples of all phonemes included. A letter-to-sound rule set for predicting the pronunciations of generic words included. Productdetails Aantal uren spraak Approx. 65,000 … [Lees meer...] overLwazi Sesotho Pronunciation Dictionary