Translation memory from Sesotho sa Leboa to English (EN-GB), in the government domain for use in the Autshumato ITE application.
Part of speech
Autshumato English-Sesotho sa Leboa Parallel Corpora
Autshumato English-Afrikaans Parallel Corpora
Woordenboek der Friese Taal – WFT (Online)
WebCelex (Online)
Interface waarmee de CELEX-lexicaledatabases van het Duits, Engels, Nederlands kunnen worden geraadpleegd. Voor iedere taal zijn de lemma’s aangevuld met orthografische, fonologische, morfologische en syntactische informatie en frequentiegegevens.
Interface through which the CELEX lexical databases of German, English and Dutch can be consulted. For each language, the lemmas have been enriched with orthographical, phonological, morphological and syntactic information, as well as linguistic frequency data.